How to Become a Trainer
Our strength is in our trainers. To be a Remote Emergency Care trainer means that you have a strong background not only in medicine, but also the outdoors.
Our trainers include experts in the fields of climbing, kayaking, mountaineering, yachting, sailing, diving, exploration and rescue. Their medical backgrounds vary from doctors to expedition leaders who have learnt through experience.
Remote Emergency Care trainers are authorised to deliver some or all Remote Emergency Care courses. Remote Emergency Care Tutors are responsible for trainer mentoring and development, and delivery of the Train the Trainer courses. Remote Emergency Care Tutors are selected by the unanimous vote of the existing Tutors and undergo annual Tutor training.
Your route to membership
Your route to becoming a Remote Emergency Care trainer will depend on where you're starting from. We don't ask people to jump through hoops for the sake of it. We will assess your background and together we'll formulate a suitable development plan to get you your membership as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Your current status is...
Trainer with another outdoor first aid organisation
Your route to becoming a member is likely to involve...
- Co-teaching as many Remote Emergency Care level 2 courses as is required to bring your training into alignment with the Remote Emergency Care standards
- Delivering a level 2 course under the supervision of a tutor, including scrutiny of your lesson plans
Your current status is...
Professional trainer, not in first aid (e.g. teacher, lecturer)
Your route to becoming a member is likely to involve...
- Co-teaching as many Remote Emergency Care level 2 courses as is required to bring your medical knowledge up to standard
- You may be recommended to attend some specific medical training courses e.g. Wilderness EMT
- Delivering a level 2 course under the supervision of a tutor, including scrutiny of your lesson plans
Your current status is...
No training background
Your route to becoming a member is likely to involve...
- Attend a level 4 course to ensure you're familiar with the Remote Emergency Care style and ethos, and that we're the right organisation for you to join
- Attend a Remote Emergency Care Train the Trainer course, which focusses on training techniques, psychology of learning and communication, lesson planning and effective delivery
- Shadowing and then co-teaching as many Remote Emergency Care level 2 courses as is required to bring your training technique and medical knowledge up to standard (minimum of three)
- Delivering a level 2 course under the supervision of a tutor, including scrutiny of your lesson plans
In all cases, in order to deliver Remote Emergency Care courses you will then be required to join Remote Emergency Care, paying the annual membership fee and committing to the quality assurance and continuing professional development schemes.
Training higher level courses
Trainers will automatically be authorised to deliver UK HSE Emergency First Aid at Work, First Aid at Work, First Aid at Work Basic Skills Update and First Aid at Work Requalification courses once they have delivered four level 2 courses.
In order to progress to delivery of other courses, trainers repeat the shadow/co-train/sign-off process for each course under the guidance of the Tutors.
In order to train AED and Medical Gases, trainers are required to hold an AED/Med Gases Trainer certificate, valid for 2 years. Remote Emergency Care provides training courses regularly.
More information and your personal membership plan
For more information about becoming a trainer or progressing through the categories, contact the tutors in the first instance. You will then be put through to the Trainer Development Officer responsible for your geographic area.